以前の記事「セルの書式設定 - その2」を踏まえて、セルのフォントを操作するコードを紹介します。



このシートのセルA1, A2のフォントを変更するコードを以下に示します。

using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace OpenXMLSDK_Sample7 {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            const string FILE = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\openxmlsdk14.xlsx";
            const string SHEET_NAME = "Sheet1";

            using (SpreadsheetDocument excelDoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(FILE, true)) {
                WorkbookPart bookPart = excelDoc.WorkbookPart;

                int sheet_index = GetWorksheetIndex(bookPart, SHEET_NAME);
                WorksheetPart sheet_part = GetWorksheetPart(bookPart, sheet_index);

                Cell cell = GetCell(sheet_part, "A1");
                Font font = new Font() {
                    Color = new Color() { Rgb = new HexBinaryValue("FF00FF00") },
                    Bold = new Bold() { Val = new BooleanValue(true) }

                SetFont(bookPart, cell, SHEET_NAME, font);
                cell = GetCell(sheet_part, "A2");
                font = new Font() {
                    Color = new Color() { Indexed = new UInt32Value((uint)4) },
                    FontName = new FontName() { Val = "Times New Roman" },
                    FontSize = new FontSize() {  Val = new DoubleValue(14.0) },
                    Strike = new Strike() { Val = new BooleanValue(true) }
                SetFont(bookPart, cell, SHEET_NAME, font);


        private static void SetFont(WorkbookPart bookPart, Cell cell, string sheet_name, Font font_to_set) {
            if (cell == null || bookPart == null) {

            IEnumerable<CellFormat> cell_formats = bookPart.WorkbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellFormats.Elements<CellFormat>();

            CellFormat format_to;
            if (cell.StyleIndex != null) {
                CellFormat cell_xf = cell_formats.ElementAt(Convert.ToInt32(cell.StyleIndex.Value));

                int sheet_index = GetWorksheetIndex(bookPart, sheet_name);
                WorksheetPart sheet_part = GetWorksheetPart(bookPart, sheet_index);
                int referenced_count = sheet_part.Worksheet.Descendants<Cell>().Count(c => c.StyleIndex == cell.StyleIndex);

                if (referenced_count == 0) {
                    format_to = cell_xf;
                } else {
                    format_to = cell_xf.Clone() as CellFormat;

                    cell.StyleIndex = new UInt32Value((uint)cell_formats.Count() - 1);
            } else {
                format_to = new CellFormat();
                format_to.Alignment = new Alignment() { Vertical = new EnumValue<VerticalAlignmentValues>(VerticalAlignmentValues.Center) };
                cell.StyleIndex = new UInt32Value((uint)cell_formats.Count() - 1);

            //Get the x:font to modify
            Font font = null;
            Fonts fonts = bookPart.WorkbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.Fonts;
            if (format_to.FontId != null && format_to.FontId.HasValue) {
                font = fonts.Elements<Font>().ElementAt(Convert.ToInt32(format_to.FontId.Value));
            } else {
                font = new Font();
                font.FontSize = new FontSize() { Val = 11 };
                format_to.FontId = new UInt32Value((uint)fonts.Count() - 1);

            //Copy the font_to_set to the font.
            CopyFont(font_to_set, font);


        private static void CopyFont(Font font_from, Font font_to) {
            if (font_to.FontSize != null) {
                font_to.FontSize = new FontSize() { Val = font_to.FontSize.Val };

            if (font_from.Color != null) {
                if (font_to.Color == null) {
                    font_to.Color = new Color();

                if (font_from.Color.Indexed != null) {
                    font_to.Color.Indexed = new UInt32Value(font_from.Color.Indexed.Value);
                if (font_from.Color.Rgb != null) {
                    font_to.Color.Rgb = new HexBinaryValue(font_from.Color.Rgb);
                if (font_from.Color.Theme != null) {
                    font_to.Color.Theme = new UInt32Value(font_from.Color.Theme.Value);
                if (font_from.Color.Tint != null) {
                    font_to.Color.Tint = new DoubleValue(font_from.Color.Tint.Value);

            if (font_from.FontName != null) {
                font_to.FontName = new FontName() { Val = font_from.FontName.Val };

            if (font_from.Bold != null) {
                font_to.Bold = new Bold() { Val = new BooleanValue(font_from.Bold.Val) };

            if (font_from.Italic != null) {
                font_to.Italic = new Italic() { Val = new BooleanValue(font_from.Italic.Val) };

            if (font_from.Underline != null) {
                font_to.Underline = new Underline() { Val = font_from.Underline.Val };

            if (font_from.Strike != null) {
                font_to.Strike = new Strike() { Val = new BooleanValue(font_from.Strike.Val) };

            if (font_from.VerticalTextAlignment != null) {
                font_to.VerticalTextAlignment = new VerticalTextAlignment() { Val = font_from.VerticalTextAlignment.Val };

            if (font_from.FontFamilyNumbering != null) {
                font_to.FontFamilyNumbering = new FontFamilyNumbering() { Val = font_from.FontFamilyNumbering.Val };

            if (font_from.FontCharSet != null) {
                font_to.FontCharSet = new FontCharSet() { Val = font_from.FontCharSet.Val };

            if (font_from.FontScheme != null) {
                font_to.FontScheme = new FontScheme() { Val = font_from.FontScheme.Val };
        // 以下省略...

「以下省略」とした部分に定義されているメソッドについては「セルの書式設定 - 表示形式」など、以前の記事をご覧ください。





このコードを実行すると、セルA1, A2のフォントが変わります。